Shine Community Hub is the outreach arm of Rugby CLC, offering different services to support the community in which we are situated and the surrounding communities we serve. Church staff and volunteers work together with a number of partner agencies to delivery a range of projects in New Bilton and areas to the South and West of Rugby.
Rugby CLC Food Aid provides fresh fruit and vegetable hampers to households in need in the New Bilton, Long Lawford, Cawston and Bilton areas of Rugby. We work in partnership with Neighbourly and Fareshare Go and we receive referrals from number of local agencies working with those who are struggling financially. A community support worker is available by appointment to help with applications for benefits, jobs or even college places. Contact for more information.
3Cs at CLC (Craft, Chat & Coffee) – this is a craft group for adults and older children and young people, to do their own crafts and meet new friends. Refreshments are provided. We have a stash of craft materials and resources for people to also have the opportunity to try something new as well as some willing attendees that are happy to share their skills. We meet on the second Saturday of the month from 2pm-4pm at Rugby CLC.
Contact for more information or to book
Aspire Youth @ CLC – a mentoring group for young people aged 11-19yrs. Staffed by team of volunteer mentors, providing emotional support and guidance to young people who may be on the edge of education. Laptops are available to complete school/college homework. The group runs every Thursday evening in term time from 5.30pm-7pm. A dinner is also provided.
SEN Coffee and chat – Peer support groups for parents with children with ASD or Special Educational Needs. The groups are led by parents with lived experience of caring for a children with additional needs. The groups meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month (10am-11.30am) and the 4th Thursday of the month (1pm-2.30pm)
Contact for more information.